The First Time I Went To Knott’s

The first time i went to knott’s berry farm was when i was 10-11. My dad told me that i was going to hang out with my cousin. That same day my dad had to go to work well that’s what he said. My aunt and my cousin was outside and my dad said “jazz look what I got you” it was a snoopy shirt then he showed me another one and I was surprised that he was going with me. We got to knott’s and I was so happy and excited. I went on all the rides I even went on hang time ( I fainted) I was so happy that I got to go on all of them I had a great day!.

If I Was Invisible

I am invisible. 24 hours. Will they realize?…….

If I was invisible for 24 hours I would see if people really cared. I feel like some people say they care but sometimes they don’t. Let’s be honest do you really think your friends are real. Friends say they are but then they switch up so you actually don’t have friends. Nobody does cause at the end of the day it you and god. If i was invisible i would see what people think and say about me if i was invisible. Not only that but i would try to scare people. I really think that people would just think am absent.